Ovunque Distruggi [ ‘Everywhere Destroy’] is the new official album of the Italian faceless terror duo Hate & Merda. ‘..in the beginning we wanted to write a something solemn, a majestic record. Something closer to an opera feeling than to a hardcore album, obviously in our own personal way and nasty sound. But then the whole world collapsed and after a while we were feeling much more pissed off than anything else. So we threw away the old material and we started again from the beginning, putting down in the new tracks all our frustration, filth and fury, watching the new creature growing rapidly almost out of control, taking its own flow. This album is our curse to this historical moment. Damnation and punishment against everything we had to inhale and swallow. This is a spit to everyone’s face. Our fist in the teeth. The monster in your closet. Your shame, your discomfort, your disgrace. All gods have gone, thank you for all your hate. Nothing left to protect, everywhere destroy..’.